Personal Loan Options for Low CIBIL Score

personal loan with low cibil score

In the ever-evolving realm of finance, upholding a good credit score is not merely an asset but an essential requirement for obtaining credit cards and loans with advantageous conditions. Nevertheless, unforeseen circumstances in life may occasionally result in a deterioration of an individual’s creditworthiness. Fortunately, there are methods through which individuals with low credit scores can still obtain loans. In this regard, Credy, a prominent fintech company, distinguishes itself by providing quick personal loans based on a comprehensive evaluation that goes beyond a simple cibil score check. The following is an all-encompassing manual on effectively managing the obstacles associated with a diminished credit score and obtaining loans despite such circumstances. Empower yourself with insights on getting a personal loan with a low CIBIL score.

Understanding the Dynamics of Cibil Scores

Before exploring potential resolutions, grasping the intricate mechanisms underlying cibil scores is imperative. Although they function as the principal indicator for evaluating an individual’s creditworthiness, they do not exclusively determine the outcome. Additionally, crucial elements include credit utilisation ratio, credit history of repayment, credit categories, and credit history duration. Therefore, a low credit score does not inherently indicate a lack of financial responsibility; it may result from several factors, such as previous financial difficulties, excessive credit utilisation, or a restricted credit history.

Strategies for Improving Credit Scores

Cease Further Borrowing: Acquiring further loans amid a cibil score decline worsens the circumstances. Establishing a target credit score and abstaining from obtaining additional borrowings until achieving that goal constitutes a disciplined approach. This practice reduces the likelihood of additional score deductions, promotes fiscal prudence, and aids the overall debt burden.

Reduce Credit Card Expenses: Elevated credit card utilisation ratios hurt cibil scores. Adopting a cash-only policy or temporarily transferring expenditures to debit cards can mitigate this burden and enhance their creditworthiness. Individuals can progressively improve their credit profile through deliberate expenditure management and strict adherence to a budget.

Timely Repayment of EMIs: Loan repayment delinquencies substantially negatively impact cibil scores. Emphasising the resolution of delinquent EMIs signifies fiscal prudence and reduces the likelihood of adverse reporting to credit bureaus. Individuals encountering difficulties meeting repayment deadlines should proactively communicate with lenders and consider restructuring alternatives to avert additional cibil score damage.

Enhance Budgeting Practices: Cibil scores frequently decline in response to financial stressors. Proactive in nature, effective budgeting incorporates supplementary income generation and cost-cutting measures. This entails the identification of discretionary expenditures, the examination of alternative revenue streams, and the negotiation of bills. Although not immediately apparent, consistent adherence to disciplined behaviour leads to incremental enhancements in credit scores and overall financial stability.

Continuous Monitoring: The utmost importance lies in maintaining vigilance throughout cibil score restoration. Consistently monitoring credit reports empowers individuals to promptly detect inaccuracies and discern patterns that contribute to fluctuations in credit scores. Adopting this proactive stance grants borrowers the ability to confront inconsistencies, challenge inaccurate information, and assess the effectiveness of their corrective actions. Furthermore, by utilising the educational materials, tools, and resources provided by financial institutions, including credit monitoring services, one can enhance their comprehension and management of credit health.

Personal Loan Options for Individuals with Low a Cibil Scores

Credy knows how hard it is for people with bad cibil, so they offer personalised loan options to fit their needs. Credy tries to give potential clients financial help by looking at many things besides traditional credit scores. There are a lot of terms and conditions that come with this loan.

Loan Amount: Up to ₹1 Lakh

Interest Rate: 1 to 1.5% of Loan Amount Per Month

Loan Tenor: 3 to 12 months

Processing Fee: 3% of Loan Amount (Minimum ₹500)

Early Repayment Fee: 2% of Outstanding Loan Amount

Late Fee: 2% of EMI Amount per Week


Cibil score complexities can be hard to understand, especially during tough economic times. But taking positive steps and making wise decisions can help you get your credit score back on track and get a loan. Platforms like Credy, which lends to everyone and teaches people about money, show how financial companies and users can work together to make people more financially stable and independent. Remember that having a low credit score can be challenging but also help you learn to be a better financial manager. Being proactive can help people improve their reputation and set themselves up for long-term economic success.

Tips to Improve Your CIBIL Score

Improving your CIBIL score is essential for better access to credit facilities. Here are some tips to enhance your score:

Pay Bills on Time: Timely payment of credit card bills, loan EMIs, and other dues is crucial for maintaining a good credit history.

Reduce Credit Utilization: Aim to keep your credit card utilisation ratio below 30% of your available credit limit.

Check Credit Report Regularly: Monitor your credit report for errors or discrepancies and rectify them promptly.

Avoid Multiple Loan Applications: Each loan application results in a hard inquiry, which can temporarily lower your score. Apply for credit only when necessary.

Maintain a Mix of Credit: A healthy mix of credit types, such as credit cards, loans, and retail accounts, can positively impact your score.

How to Get a Personal Loan Without CIBIL Score

For most standard personal loans, you need to have a good CIBIL score. However, some lenders will give money to people with no credit background or a low CIBIL score. You can do any of these:

Secured Personal Loans: Put up assets or fixed savings as collateral to protect the loan.

Cosigner or Guarantor: I need someone with good credit to cosign the loan agreement. Ask a family member or friend.

Alternative Lenders: Check with fintech companies or peer-to-peer loan sites to see your other choices besides the CIBIL score.

Eligibility to Get Personal Loan for a Low CIBIL Score

Different companies have different requirements for who can get a personal loan, but people with low CIBIL scores may still be able to obtain one if they meet certain conditions:

Stable Income: Your chances of getting a loan go up if you can show that you have a steady source of income.

Collateral or Guarantor: You have a better chance of getting the loan if you offer collateral or have a backup with good credit.

Employment Stability: Lenders like borrowers with a past of stable work because it shows that the borrower can repay the loan.

What is the CIBIL Score

The Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited gives people a CIBIL score, which is a number that shows how creditworthy they are. It is between 300 and 900; higher numbers mean you are more creditworthy. A person’s CIBIL score is based on several factors, including their history of paying back loans, how much credit they use, the types of loans they have, and credit searches.

What Factors Lower the CIBIL Score

Several factors can contribute to a lower CIBIL score, including:

Late Payments: Missing or delaying credit card payments, loan EMIs, or other dues negatively impacts the score.

High Credit Utilization: Using a significant portion of your available credit limit can lower your score.

Credit Defaults: Defaulting on loans or credit card payments severely affects the CIBIL score.

Multiple Loan Applications: Each loan application results in a hard inquiry, which can lower the score temporarily.

Credit Mix: Having only one type of credit or too many unsecured loans can lower the score.

Credit History Length: A short credit history or lack of credit accounts can also lower the score.

Understanding these aspects can help individuals make informed decisions to improve their credit health and access financial products more effectively. 


Can I still get a personal loan with a low CIBIL score?

Yes, even if your CIBIL score is low, you might still be able to get a personal loan. Alternative lenders look at more than just the CIBIL score, while some lenders offer choices like secured loans or loans with a cosigner or guarantee.

How can I improve my CIBIL score?

If you want to raise your CIBIL score, you should pay your bills on time, use your credit cards less, check your credit record for mistakes, avoid applying for too many loans at once, and keep a healthy mix of credit types.

What factors contribute to a lower CIBIL score?

Late payments, high credit utilisation, credit failures, multiple loan applications, a short credit history, and only one type of credit can lower your CIBIL score. Knowing about these things can help you take steps to improve your credit.